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19. December 2023

Sustainability expertise begins with vocational training. Marbach trainees plant 3 trees and almost 50 wild bushes on the biodiversity trail.

As a company group, we have been addressing the issue of sustainability for many years. As part of our current sustainability project, this topic also plays an important role in vocational training.

Our Technical Training Manager reports: "For us, training always means sustainability. After all, what would a company and its development be without the next generation? We need young, qualified people to take the Marbach Group forward. As a training company, it is an important task for us to provide young people with the necessary skills. One of these core competences is raising awareness for sustainability and environmental protection." 

Overall, sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the opportunities of future generations. In other words, minimising environmental impact, promoting social justice and managing economic activities responsibly. Marbach wants to raise the awareness of the next generation at an early stage. 

"For us, sustainability expertise begins with vocational training. That's why we want to inspire and sensitise our young trainees and students to sustainability at an early stage. The young people deal with this topic intensively and independently in various projects. For example, our trainees took part in the Eco Scouts initiative organised by the Heilbronn-Franken Chamber of Industry and Commerce. After being trained by the IHK, they took on the task of identifying potential energy savings in the company. As a result, Marbach was able to reduce its electricity consumption and thus conserve resources. Our trainees and students are also involved in various social projects with kindergartens and schools." 

But that's not all: on December 13, 2023, our trainees took part in an activity on the biodiversity trail between Frankenbach and Neckargartach. The project manager of the biodiversity trail, Dr. Jürgen Hetzler, first explained to the trainees and students in detail about biodiversity, the importance of plants and trees for our nature and living creatures and, last but not least, what needs to be considered when planting trees and plants. The young people then went on to plant three trees and almost 50 wild plants themselves. 

“A great project that not only benefits the environment, but the trainees and students also had a lot of fun.”

And what's next for us in terms of sustainability in training? "We are very active and already have the next environmental project on our agenda. In 2024, we will be building insect hotels with our trainees and students to introduce young people to the topic of sustainability."

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