screw top for plastic cups

Turner screw cap

A screw top for thermoformed plastic packaging. Comparable to the familiar metal lid of a jam jar. That’s the Marbach Turner packaging.

This packaging is something special. Innovative. And extraordinary. The screw top of the Turner packaging receives excellent feedback. Its functionality is totally convincing.

But not only the functionality of the innovation is convincing. Also the unobtrusiveness and simplicity of the Marbach system receives much appreciation. Because until now, such kinds of seals could only be manufactured elaborately with complex tool technology – and required significant compromises in the product design.

The Marbach solution is simpler. Far simpler. Our packaging can be thermoformed by a standard tool with round cutting geometry. And the screw top works perfectly.

  • screwtop for plastic cups
  • unobtrusive lock system
  • simple production with standard thermoforming tools
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