professional assembly table



The mbench|pro is a professional assembly table for your production. It can be used in die-making, for rework directly at the die-cutting machine, or in die preparation. It is larger than the mbench|smart. And even more versatile. A complete workstation with a flat mounting surface. In its 9 drawers you will have plenty of space for accessories and important equipment for processing your cutting-dies. Of course, the mbench|pro can also be optionally equipped with the most important rule processing devices. And just like the mbench|smart, it has smooth-running heavy-duty wheels for maximum mobility.

Also available as an option: the matching LED work light. It has an adjustable arm and can be magnetically attached to any part of the mbench|pro. For the best visibility when working on your tools.

mbench|pro. Your mobile assembly table for maximum performance in your production.

  • Versatile: a complete workplace with assembly area.
  • Spacious: 9 drawers for accessories.
  • Mobile: smooth-running heavy-duty wheels.
Technical details of the product
  • Item no.: G-2181
  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 1.340 x 1.340 x 1.000 mm
  • Drawers: 9 pieces, width > 1.000 mm
  • Mounting plate: 700 x 1.000 mm
  • Working surface: steel plate and anti-slip rubberized surface
  • Wheels: lockable heavy duty wheels
  • Optionally:
  • Repair of: 2 - 4pt rules
  • Rule width: 23.8 - 30.0 mm
  • Notch width: 3 - 8 mm (please specify when ordering)
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