minimal set-up times

Digital zone levelling DZL|plateXL

The highest level of large format make-ready.

The DZL|plateXL is a special split protection plate for large-format machines that permanently compensates for unevenness in the cutting platen. This has ensured significantly reduced make-ready times. 

The DZL|plateXL must not be carried out for each individual order. Once inserted in the die-cutting machine, the DZL|plateXL permanently compensates for system-related tolerances in the cutting platen over a period of several months. This is in complete contrast to the conventional method of area make-ready, which has to be carried out again for each individual job. The DZL|plateXL reduces make-ready times and increases productivity in packaging production.

DZL|plate is available for small format paperboard die-cutter.

  • levelling of machine-related deviations
  • save make-ready time by avoiding an additional zone make-ready
  • quick and easy to do
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