minimal set-up times

Digital zone levelling DZL|plate

The highest level of patching.

The die cutting machine is subject to wear-related deviations. This is not unusual. But for you this means, that with every job, you have to do a labor intensive zone make-ready. Marbach has the optimal solution for you. Digital zone levelling. All you need from us is a special grid die and a pressure sensitive foil. Make an impression. And send the foil back to Marbach. We will calculate the height profile of the machine. And print it onto a vetronite plate. Individually made for your machine. Levelling out the height deviations of the cutting platen. For machines in all formats, for large-format corrugated machines, there is the DZL|plateXL.


  • levelling of machine-related deviations
  • save make-ready time by avoiding an additional zone make-ready
  • quick and easy to do
Calculator digital zone levelling
machine cost per hour
number of new make-readies per month
time savings for each new make-ready
time savings per month
potential savings per month
Investment digital zone levelling
paid off after
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