

You want to optimize your tools and thermoforming processes? With CONNECT|M you get intelligent tools. CONNECT|M contains various modules and extensions for the process data monitoring of important tool and machine parameters (pressure, temperatures, movements, forces,...) which are measured by sensors in the tool.

Choose suitable options with CONNECT|M.
❚ Constant process data monitoring of various parameters via sensors in the tool.
❚ Remote support.
❚ Modular system. Retrofitting possibility.
❚ Parallelism measurement.
❚ Pre-installed sensors.
❚ Parallelism control during running production.

Digital Services from Marbach. Benefit from our know-how. And take the next step into the
industry 4.0 with us. 

  • To be prepared for the future.
  • Flexibility through modular desig.
  • Increased process reliability.
  • Plug and Play.
  • Simple start-up and change of tools.
  • Quick set-up of tool parallelism.
  • Reduction of wear. And increasing your tool life.
  • Simple handling via the CONNECT|M app.
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