Reverse cuts.

Reverse cuts with height adjustable anvil


With our height-adjustable anvil you can now save make-ready time and achieve more consistent results when reverse cutting. This new Marbach technology uses an aluminum block that is milled to shape. Its exact height depends on the thickness of the die-cut material. This aluminum block is not inserted into a laser cut contour in its complete height – as in conventional solutions – but in a height minus the die-board thickness and screwed onto the cutting-die from above. Foils are positioned underneath the anvil. The anvil can be adjusted in its height very quickly and easily through the removal or addition of these foils.

The height-adjustable anvil is now available in two versions: For corrugated board. And as a split version for standard folding box tools.

This split version was designed for folding box tools with wooden die boards (multiplex or greenplate). Due to the separation of the aluminum block into two parts, the wood of the die board is not compressed during the die-cutting process, but the cutting pressure is dispersed via the aluminum.

Between the two aluminium blocks there are underlay foils. With these, each individual reverse cut can be quickly and easily set-up in height and optimally adjusted. For our customers, this means simple handling, reduced make-ready times as well as well-functioning opening mechanisms for sales-boosting packaging.

  • simple set-up
  • time-efficient
  • flexibility
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