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die-cutting technology Marbach Experience Hub
5. October 2021

New whitepaper: process reliability par excellence. Best performance for tobacco applications.

Marbach has published a new whitepaper for tobacco applications on its knowledge platform, the Experience Hub. 

The production of cigarette packaging and the subsequent packing process are characterized by their very own laws. The topics of high speed, maximum productivity and creasing parameters play a central role in tobacco applications. In the whitepaper "Maximum Process Reliability for Tobacco Applications," readers will learn about the important influencing factors in die-cutting cigarette packaging and the subsequent packing process. And how process reliability can be ensured by using special technologies. In addition, it is shown when which of the presented technologies makes the most sense.

Would you like to know more about process reliability in tobacco applications? Then read the new Marbach whitepaper here: https://experience.marbach.com/en/blog-detail/process-reliability-par-excellence 

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