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die-cutting technology
12. February 2025

Less set-up time, more productivity. The DZL|plate from Marbach sets new standards.

With our special DZL|plate protection plate,we have an innovation in our portfolio that has more than established itself. The DZL|plate impresses with its ready-to-use application and lasting efficiency increase. Thanks to these features and the immediately visible results, it has inspired numerous users in a very short time. This is particularly evident in the significant reduction of knife make-ready times – an advantage that can be seen with every job.

The DZL|plate takes over the zone levelling for many months after being inserted into the die-cutting machine just once. This reduces the time required and also improves process stability. Our customers who use the DZL|plate report a reduction of over 30% in their knife make-ready times per job – an optimization that is directly reflected in productivity.

These time savings and efficiency increases quickly pay off. The digital zone levelling DZL|plate pays for itself in the shortest possible time and thus offers a clear economic advantage. Many companies have therefore already equipped their entire machine park with the DZL|plate and have since benefited from greater efficiency in the production of their packaging.

The new coating of the DZL|plate now ensures an even longer service life. This makes the DZL|plate the ideal solution for companies that want to optimize their production processes sustainably and reduce their costs.

The DZL|plate. An innovation that provides significant support for companies on their way to higher productivity and competitiveness.

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