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12. May 2017

Investing in the new thermoforming machine Gabler M 98 MAXX. Marbach Tool Manufacturing.

Marbach continues to invest in its machines. Since a Speedperformer KMD85 from Kiefel was installed in 2016, Marbach will soon expand its machine park even more. The Gabler M98 MAXX is the fourth Gabler machine that has been purchased by Marbach during the last years. A close partnership links Marbach and Gabler already since the 1980s.

With the new thermoforming machine, thermoformed packaging products can be produced. Marbach will use this for different applications. Area Sales Manager Sefa Bincan: “We will apply our new machine for production tools as well as testing tools.”

The M98 MAXX has the greatest possible tool mounting space at the moment. This makes it very flexible concerning tool size. Therefore tools for any leading thermoforming machines can be inserted: tools for machines of the Illig RDM series, the Kiefel KTR series, the WM FT series, the TSL FT4K, the Güven FT, and the Gabler M series.

Bincan continues: “We are highly flexible with our new machine and it delivers undreamt-of possibilities. We can, for example, perform extensive functionality and quality tests before delivering to the customer. Moreover, we can optimize the tools our customers order with regard to process safety and productivity on our Gabler M 98 MAXX. And all this without having to reduce our customers' production capacity.”

In addition Marbach offers start-up production runs for customers. In the case of shortages in their production, customers can fall back on Marbach capacities.

Furthermore, Marbach will use the new machine intensively in the area of research and development. Because it also will be used to test recent proto-types innovations, to optimize processes with special sensor technology and to develop new functional packaging.

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