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die-cutting technology
5. July 2022

Highest efficiency in hotfoiling. With the thinplate system from Marbach.

We offer a wide range of solutions for packaging production. One of these is the thinplate system, with which the embossing plates can be supplied pre-prepared for hotfoiling and can be set-up quickly and reliably if required.

When hotfoiling packaging, the register between the packaging layout and the embossing plates must be perfect. Because only hotfoiling that is precisely in the right place fulfills the visual demand for high-quality packaging finishing. 

Marbach industry manager Bernhard Reisser: "Depending on the requirements of the end product, setting up the embossing dies can take a lot of time. If the position of the female dies are not archived on a job-specific honeycomb plate, extra time and effort is needed for every set-up, and this includes every repeat job as well. Customers therefore lose valuable production time and money. To meet this challenge, we have developed an inexpensive, but highly efficient solution: the thinplate system."

This thinplate system makes it possible to set-up embossing plates for packaging layout quickly and precisely. Hotfoiling dies are preassembled on a special steel plate (thinplate) to perfectly match the print layout. In hotfoiling, this preassembly is carried out because of the high temperatures required under production conditions, and takes into account a defined reduction factor that compensates for temperature-related material expansion. Ideally, the preset position of the hotfoiling matches immediately. This thinplate is attached to the machine-mounted honeycomb plate. For maximum flexibility, the female die is mounted so that it can be adjusted quickly and precisely to the layout if required. 

Reisser continues: "The option of archiving the female die positions ensures that there is practically no set-up time for repeat jobs. The thinplate system stands for drastically reduced set-up times for repeat jobs and high-quality finished packaging." 

This has also been confirmed by countless Marbach customers who use the thinplate system: "The thinplate, on which the individual female dies are archived, is taken from our warehouse, inserted into the machine and production can start immediately. There is no need at all to set up the hotfoiling female dies for the print image for repeat jobs, because the position of the female dies has already been archived during the initial set-up of the thinplate."

More info about the thinplate system can be found here: https://experience.marbach.com/en/blog-detail/simply-productive 

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