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Marbach Group
6. December 2021

Donations instead of gifts. Marbach supports various aid projects at Christmas.

Marbach once again this year follows a long established company tradition: Marbach donates to different aid projects at Christmas under the motto "Donations instead of gifts". This year, Marbach will donate to two charity projects of the aid organization 'Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.', which seeks to combat the consequences of climate change: 6,000 euros go to the national project 'Flood Relief Germany' and an additional 4,000 euros to the international Christmas project Zimbabwe.


National donation to Help for "Flood Relief Germany".

On July 14, 2021, Germany experienced extremely heavy rainfall. This led to flash floods and massive blanket flooding. Many people died in this catastrophy, and billions of euros in damage was caused. Two German states, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, were worst hit. 

In the aftermath of the disaster, Help concentrated on promoting emergency aid through small local initiatives in the region. Help directly supported those affected by the floods and provided them with fast unbureaucratic assistance. Aid supplies, tools, free loans of building dryers and food for those affected, and helpers, were provided. 

Now that the emergency aid phase is over, the second phase of flood relief is in progress: Help is assisting in the reconstruction of schools and social facilities affected by the flood disaster. Help not only provides interim aid, but above all seeks to close shortfalls that have not been dealt with so far. Schools, daycare centers, facilities for disabled people, youth centers, volunteer fire departments and rehabilitation facilities are being supported with teaching materials, inventory, equipment for special education, learning media and therapy and support equipment. With the donation of 6,000 euros, Marbach is helping to rebuild these facilities. 


International donation to Help for the Christmas project Zimbabwe.

Marbach donates another 4,000 Euro to the Christmas project Zimbabwe. Due to climate change, Zimbabwe, once known as the granary of Africa, is today severely affected by droughts. Current cultivation methods do not produce enough yields to feed the people. Already, nearly half of Zimbabwe's population is chronically malnourished. This has serious consequences for children in particular – many die before their fifth birthday.

For this reason, 600 women 'lead farmers' are being trained as part of the "Zimbabwe Christmas Project" to pass on the knowledge they have acquired to families in their districts. In addition, 3,000 small farmers are getting help to withstand the consequences of climate change and to secure their food and income in a sustainable way. Peter Marbach: "The good thing about this donation: The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development considers the project particularly worthy of support and finances it additionally to 90 percent. The Marbach donation flows into Help's 10 percent own contribution and is therefore increased tenfold." With the Marbach donation, more than 650 small farmers can thus be provided with seeds, seedlings and fertilizer.

On Dec. 3, 2021, Bianca Kaltschmitt, deputy managing director at Help, accepted the donation check from Peter Marbach. She thanked Mr. Marbach for his generous support: "Once again we have received a donation from Marbach. On behalf of Help and the people in our project countries, I would like to warmly thank Mr. Marbach and the whole company for the sixth Christmas donation in a row and for the trust placed in our work. We are happy to know the Marbach company is a committed partner by our side." 


About Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.

'Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V.', is a humanitarian aid organization was founded in 1981 and is based in Bonn. The main focus of Help's work is providing worldwide emergency and catastrophe aid, but also long-term development cooperation and reconstruction projects. 

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