manual device to cut matrix



The mcut|matrix cuts creasing matrix. Fast, precise and safe. It is a flexible, ergonomic, very robust hand-device that is perfectly adapted to the conditions in production.

The infinitely variable gauge can be used for a wide range of creasing geometries. This not only ensures exact cutting results, but also maximum flexibility. For every requirement. The cutting knives can be changed quickly and easily if necessary.

The laterally releasing handle for cutting is equipped with a special mechanism. This ideally reduces the required cutting force. For little effort when cutting your creasing matrix.

The adjustable length gauge can be quickly adjusted and ensures high repeat accuracy.

Fast and safe cutting of creasing matrix. For an immediate production start.

  • High accuracy: exact 45° cutting.
  • Flexibility: stepless depth gauge for different creasing matrix geometries.
  • Ergonomic handling: Little effort required for cutting.
Technical details of the product
  • cutting angle: 45°
  • adjustable crosscut stop: 300 mm
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